Medical Facials


  • Claro De-Tan treatment

It is an ideal therapy for tanned and sun damaged skin.The dead and damaged cells are removed with diamond skin polishing followed by deep cleansing and hydration.Photobrightening and collagen tightening mask gives a refreshed and brighter look.

  • Claro Insta-shine treatment

This therapy is directed towards instant glow and shinier skin. It consists of crystal polishing technique to remove superficial debris and impurities. High pressure vit C infusion counteracts the oxidative damage and the oxygen blast gives you a healthier skin.


  • Claro Oxy-Peel treatment

This is an ideal therapy for improving the appearance and texture of the skin. It combines pure oxygen with a peeling agent to penetrate the deeper skin layers to give you a fresher and brighter look. A brightening mask at the end of the therapy brings back youthful glow to the face.

  • Claro Oro Therapy

The therapy is directed towards activating the process of cell renewal and helps in skin rejuvenation. Mesoporation with antioxidants and skin lightening agents is used for a brighter look. Gold scrub and a 24Carat Gold mask gives a radiant and a younger look.


  • Claro 4D radiance

This therapy helps to lighten the early signs of aging and is an excellent solution to age gracefully. Peels used post microderabrasion helps in hydration and use of Hyluronic acid further adds to give you a younger looking and a tighter skin.

  • Claro Paramount facial

Ultimate and high-end therapy for an immediate make over. Deep cleansing and oxyblast is followed by brightening mesoporation.Laser toning with a 4th Generation Q switched laser targets the pigment to give your skin the most unsurpassed radiance.

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